Dofollow Backlinks: The Definitive Guide To Create Backlinks

If you want to make Dofollow Backlinks which will boost your ranking, then you’ll surely love this article.


After doing the hell lot of research, I am finally able to choke down some sites which give Dofollow Backlinks.

And today in this post am going to mention those sites which provide do follow backlinks here in this article.

Note: Not only sites list but also will share some tips to make unlimited Dofollow Backlinks for your website to rank on the top.

Let’s Start!

The term “Dofollow Backlink” was introduced by Google in 2005. This was done to make sure that search engines don’t get spam and users get the better result.

Dofollow backlink mainly passes Link Juice to linked pages and influence the targeted keyword to rank.

You need to make backlink, but how to be sure whether they are DoFollow or NoFollow Backlink?

To know this just right click on the link and then select Inspect Element.

Inspect-ElementThis is a Dofollow Backlink.


And this is NoFollow Backlink.


Below I have mentioned examples of NoFollow and DoFollow Backlink from which it will be evident that which is Nofollow link and which is the Dofollow link.


  • <a href=”” rel=”dofollow”>Example 1</a>
  • <a href=””>Example 2</a>


  • <a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Example 1</a>
  • <a href=”” rel=”external nofollow”>Example 2</a>

If you wanna rank our website to Search Engines by improving Domain Authority (DA)Page Authority (PA) and Page Rank then you need to make DoFollow Backlink.

  • Improves Page Rank.
  • Improves blog authority in Google eyes.
  • Content ranks higher for multiple keywords.

Now am pretty sure that you have acquired complete knowledge that what DoFollow Backlinks are and what all are its benefits!

So, now let’s see How to get High PR Dofollow Backlinks From High Authority Sites!

Note: Some sites are updated and not working anymore for do follow backlinks.


Yeah, You Can Use Facebook To Get DoFollow Backlink! But How? Let Me Show You!

  • Step 1: Click Here And Click On “Add Static HTML To Page.”
  • Step 2:  Now, Go To Your Facebook Page And Click On Welcome Tab And Click On SetUp Tab.
  • Step 3: Now Remove All Text From Index.Html And Just Add This Code
  • <a href=”Your Website Link” rel=”dofollow”>Your Anchor Text</a>

And Click On Save.


Nowadays, Mozilla FireFox has become a Famous and Effective Browser. And for this reason, FireFox’s Official Website’s PR is Damn High. And the best part is you can also get Dofollow Backlink From here!

  • Step 1: Click Here And Create Your Account On Mozilla Web.
  • Step 2: Fill All Information And Click On Sign Up And Confirm Your Email From Your Email Account (Gmail, Yahoo Or HotMail)
  • Step 3: Now Complete Your Bio And Open Mozilla Blog And Get DoFollow Backlink From Commenting On Posts.


As WordPress is a Famous CMS itself, on the other hand, it’s a Web 2.0 Site too. Many bloggers use this WordPress to build DoFollow Backlink.

How? Lemme show you.

  • Step 1: Go to and create Free account along with website
  • Step 2: Now write post according to your niches and link the anchor text on your site.

Example: for instance my Keyword is SEO, so I started writing on On Page SEO and then link the keyword “SEO.”


Blogger or also known as Blogspot is Google’s official Blogging Platform. And do you want to get Dofollow Backlink from BlogSpot! But How?

This method is also same as WordPress way.

The only difference is that here you need to Go To Blogger » Create a Blog and then do a post on it about your niche and then link Anchor Text with your site.


  • Step 1: Go To Google+ And Create A Page About Your Site.
  • Step 2: Now Go To About And Click Edit From Story Tab

Tagline: Enter Your Site Tagline

Description: Enter Your Site Description

Once you have written the description, then click on link button and then type your desired URL and click okay to get DoFollow BackLink.


  • Step 1: Open BlogAdda and make an account
  • Step 2: After making account click on Account button.
  • Step 3: There you will get an option – “Submit my Blog”
  • Step 4: There add all your blog details and then submit.


  • Step 1: Go to CodeCademy and create an account.
  • Step 2: Go to profile and add your website link.


  • Step 1: Go to Granta and Register a New Account.
  • Step 2: Fill your profile details along with website Link.


  • Step 1: Open your Firefox Browser
  • Step 2: Now search and Install One Tab Extension in your Firefox Browser.
  • Step 3: Now open your website in your FireFox Browser.
  • Step 4: Now click on OneTab Extension on the right Side.
  • Step 5: It will open a new page and now just click on the share as Web Page.


  • Step 1: Go to CopyRighted and make a new account.
  • Step 2: Now add content according to niche along with Website Link.


  • Step 1: Go to AllTop
  • Step 2: Now select your niche related category, say its Blogging.Then just go to Blogging Category
  • Step 3: Now just Add Your Website Details and in few days you will get an Email from AllTop saying your site is Submitted


  • Step 1: Go to Indulgy and register a New Account on the website.
  • Step 2: Now add photos from your Blog and then your website will get a Dofollow Backlink by the URL it fetch from the photos.


  • Step 1: Go to Ted and Sign Up.
  • Step 2: After your account is activated go to your Profile and click on edit Profile. Now scroll down the page you will then find a Link Insert Website.
  • Step 3: Just add your Website Link!


  • Step 1: Go to Eventful, sign up and verify your account.
  • Step 2: Now click on profile Button and there you will find a button. Just click there and add more info on it.
  • Step 3: Add Links by putting your info using <a href=”Site Link”> Your Keyword </a>

Now, these were some sites which give Dofollow Backlink but now am going to reveal how to make Dofollow backlink but with the above Process!

By the way, there are many methods to make DoFollow Backlinks. Like Guest Post, Article Submission, Web 2.0 and Social Bookmarking but still Blog Commenting is my Favorite.

You can make unlimited Backlink using CommentLuv.

Google search engine is there but have you ever thought how to use this to do Advanced Search? Confused?

Wait lemme tell you how can you find Blog for blog commenting.

Now we will use Commenting Footprints and dig out websites related to our niche for commenting on them.

For Example:

  • “SEo Tips commentluv blogs”
  • “SEO Guide commentluv Blogs”
  • “Social Media commentluv blogs”
  • “Technology commentluv blogs”
  • “Food recipe commentluv blogs”
  • “Health commentluv blogs”
  • “Your desired keyword here+commentluv blogs”

Guest Post

Yes! you can get Dofollow Backlinks by doing Guest Post.

Guest is something like suppose we write something related to our niche and submit it to other blog related to our niche.

You can use MyBlogGuest to find guest blogs for use.

Like now I write a Guest Post on SearchEngineLand. So what I will do! I will Do what is that I will link some part of the post with my site by my desired keyword.

Social Bookmarking Sites 2019

“Do follow” CommentLuv Blogs:

Jamie Northrup: Over 100 CommentLuv Blogs to Comment On – Approximately 100+ blogs

ITCSE: 50 CommentLuv Enabled Blogs – Approximately 50+ blogs

Area 51 Blog: List of 40+ High PR CommentLuv blogs – Approximately 50+ blogs

Young Blah: List of High PR Blogs – Approximately 25+ blogs

Wrapping it Up

There are many more methods to make DoFollow Backlinks but in my mind only this above trick came from which you can make unlimited Backlinks.

So, hope you like, if so please don’t forget to make it socialize by sharing it as much as you can.

And if you have any queries regarding this just leave a comment below…

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17 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. thanks for over 400 sites to get do follow links .. but why dont you add a website blank on this page for comments too ???

  2. Awesome.
    You have clearly explained it… It’s very useful for me to know about new things..
    Keep on blogging

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